black magic✨🔮
black magic✨🔮
Episode #12: Ten of Wands

Episode #12: Ten of Wands

The Scorsese defender has logged on.

Happy Fall and happy full moon in Aries, my loves! Here I am with episode 12 of the podcast – can you believe it?? This week, I talk about the Ten of Wands, which is a card that asks us to examine how and where we spend our energies; how burnout blocks us from knowing ourselves, what we stand for, and doing work that aligns with our values and purpose. I speak on this mostly in the context of being a writer who is still learning her process and often doesn’t feel like doing the most concrete part of writing – literally sitting down and typing the words onto the page – but I think this translates to any type of work you do, especially if it’s creative in nature.

I also talk about this Martin Scorsese profile, which I am obsessed with this week and have already harassed some of you with screenshots, but I just think his message is SO IMPORTANT. Chase your goals, hone your craft, rip your art from your skull and your guts, but also touch grass! Look at the sea! Don’t feel guilty about allowing yourself to simply exist!

Here are the images for the Ten of Wands. I love you! If you listen to this podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, maybe give me a 5 star rating if you want, idk just something to think about.

Wild Unknown (left) and Waite-Smith (right)

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black magic✨🔮
black magic✨🔮
Tarot, astrology, journaling, culture.
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Sarah Black