black magic✨🔮
black magic✨🔮
Episode #18: Seven of Cups

Episode #18: Seven of Cups

All this has happened before, all this will happen again.

Happy belated Beltane, darlings! Beltane marks the beginning of May and the halfway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, so you might say summer has now begun its approach. It certainly feels that way in Montreal: the days are warmer, tulips bloom, and terrasses are open (the true mark of the end of Montreal winter).

In episode 18, we revisit the Seven of Cups, a card that I interpreted for the second ever episode of this podcast. My tarot deck has a habit of sending me the same cards again and again, and I don’t like to skip because usually I need to be reminded of a card’s meaning more than once; unlearning a lifetime behaviour or habit takes repeated effort and practice, after all. Beyond that, we often need time and experience to ripen our understanding of a card’s theme. It’s usually worth reexamining our initial impressions and interpretations.

Below are the images for the Wild Unknown and Waite-Smith Seven of Cups. I hope life is blooming wherever this episode finds you 💐🌞

Wild Unknown (left) and Waite-Smith (right)

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black magic✨🔮
black magic✨🔮
Tarot, astrology, journaling, culture.
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Sarah Black